Picking Order Functionality

In the IntelliTrack Inventory application, the picking order capability (adding, editing, saving, canceling) stems from whether the page is blank or an order is selected.

Blank Page - No Order Selected

When the page first appears, it is blank and the only active icon is the Add icon.

Add Icon

Picking Orders page

Picking Orders page - Add Mode

Note: When the page is in Add mode, you have the option to add a new order and save it to the system for picking at another time or you have the option to add a new order, pick the items, and save it the system; see "Adding a Picking Order" for more information.

Open Order Selected

A picking order is selected from the Order Number field in the Select Order portion of the page; see "Reviewing a Picking Order" for more information. When you select an open order, the Add icon, Edit icon, Delete icon, and Cancel icon activate.

Picking Orders page - Order Selected

Show Closed Orders Checkbox

To select a closed order, mark the Show Closed Orders checkbox in the Select Order portion of the page.

The closed and open orders are included in the Order Number drop-down list.

When you select a closed order, the Add icon, Delete icon, and Cancel icon activate. (A closed order cannot be edited; however, it can be reopened (see "Picking Order Status").)

Picking Orders page - Showing a Closed Order